Best Christian Books On God's Grace

Welcome to The list of books you will find on this page are a wonderful selection if you are searching for books about God's grace. This page's content is great for anyone who has a desire to to learn more about God's grace and experience more of it in everyday life.

This website is made possible by the author of a book called Doing Time With God. It is a book of stories that reveal God's grace abundantly flowing in the last place most people might expect - maximum security prisons. You can find more information on Doing Time With God by scrolling down this page.

If you continue scrolling, you will also see a list of the best Christian books on God's grace. Every book in the listing includes a brief description and links to the Amazon page where you can see reviews and get other information which may be on interest.

Thanks for visiting and we hope you are able to find the perfect book for your purposes.

Robbed and Shot at ATM. Craving Revenge. Bill Dyer Was Locked Up In Anger, Hatred, And Resentment. Then A Miracle Happened. God Led Bill Out Of Darkness And Into Prison To Share His Story With Inmates For The Unfinished Business Of Experiencing God's Grace Like Never Before.


Doing Time With God - by Bill Dyer

In your search for the best Christian books on God's grace, this page-turner reveals how the love of Christ is having its way for God's purposes. Readers are drawn into transformative conversations between crime victims and prison inmates. Thought provoking questions give readers the opportunity to reflect and find meaning for their own lives and relationships. For those who enjoy discussions about God's grace, this life-giving book is a perfect choice for book clubs and small groups. 

Every believer likes to hear about God’s grace as it lets them know that they are forgiven for the sins they commit on a daily basis. One of the great aspects of God’s grace is that it does not involve zero tolerance nor has a limit on how many times you can experience it. This is one of the aspects about God's grace that makes it easier to follow Christ. The best Christian books on trusting God usually discuss how grace is largely what makes it possible.

Peter in his second epistle talks about the purpose behind God’s grace. In 2 Peter 5: 10 he writes these words: “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”
In those words, you see what God has in mind for you when you go through difficult patches in your Christian life. God’s grace provides hope, confidence, as well as builds trust and faith in Him.

Then Grace tells us where we stand in the grand scheme of things. As Paul wrote in Eph. 2:8: “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God” In other words, there is nothing we can do to earn salvation. That opportunity is a pure gift via God’s grace.

As you know from reading the best Christian books on God's love, salvation is an immense gift and it is hard to grasp why we humans are given such an opportunity. This gift of God is all about grace. To understand the proportions of God’s grace, He has not only written about it in the Bible but has led good Christians to write about it. 

The following authors have been led by God to explain what God’s grace is about, why it is bestowed upon us, and how deep it really is. Grace shows everyone the depth of love God has for his creation and these authors help explain that depth and show how it works in words you can understand.

One important point that many of the best Christian books on God's grace point out is that grace does not exist to allow people to sin more. As Paul said in Romans 6:1- “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase?” Paul’s answer was “No, we do not continue in sin.” This is a key aspect that many of these authors explain.

Grace exists to help us stop sinning and live the holy life that God wants us to live. Read their works carefully, with the Bible next to you so you can grasp what God is telling you about his Grace and how important it is to your salvation and Christian life.

Ask God to guide you as you read, for he has a message he wants you to learn when you read each book. Some of the best Christian books on faith in God can help with this. Understanding grace will help you make better decisions in your life and enable you to experience God’s grace in more people, places, and circumstances, and perhaps in ways you never have before.

Learning about God’s grace can help restore your faith in humanity. Besides the Holy Bible, you can turn to different books on God’s grace for spiritual nourishment. Most of them are available in both audio and digital form to make the content easily accessible.
Here are 20 bestselling books on God’s grace you can get from Amazon:

Check Out More Of The

Best Christian Books On God's Grace

1. All That God Cares About 
by Richard J. Mouw
Mouw's book takes readers on an informative tour of eschatology, redemption, and the theologies of creation. The book comprises crafted chapters that explore the doctrine of common grace. Mouw sheds light on how he views God’s grace to humanity.

Grace, The DNA Of God: What the Bible Says about Grace and Its Life-Transforming Power 
by Tony Cooke
Tony Cooke shares valuable tips on how to understand and experience God's grace. According to him, God's grace is multi-faceted and targeted towards everyone. In some ways, this is like some of the best Christian books on trusting God. It explores ways this gracious love applies in the life of a believer.

God’s Best-Kept Secret: Christianity is Easier Than You Think 
by Mark Maulding
God's Best-Kept Secret talks about the preconceived notions about a Christian's life and how to attain true fulfillment. Like some of the best Christian books on finding hope, the text deeply dissects some of the commonly misunderstood verses in the Holy Bible. Mark helps the reader to discover their identity in Christ and live by God’s grace.

4. The Grace of God
by Dr. Tony Evans
The text in this book implies that God's law is holy, righteous, and good, and it provides no legality to obey it. Naturally, that fact is discussed more in some of the best Christians books on God's love. Dr. Tony draws from his experience teaching other people about God’s word to write this book.

5. The Sovereign Grace of God: A Biblical Study of the Doctrines of Calvinism 
by James R. White
The Sovereign Grace of God gives a clear understanding of how God differs from man. According to James, Christians can never fully appreciate or comprehend God's sovereign grace when they don't who He is. The book narrates how God uses the Holy Spirit to empower humans, making it one of the best Christian books on God's grace.
Is it Just Me? Learning to Trust God in the Middle of Hurts, Doubts, and Fears
by Grace Valentine
Grace Valentine draws from her personal life to give readers a new perspective on how they can trust God when hurting. The book sheds hope on feelings of doubt, fear, hurt, loneliness, and confusion. It also encourages those readers who are struggling to find their purpose in life, making it
 top selling men's Christian books.

Black Woman, God Has Not Forgotten You! Now is the Time
by Beverly Jones

Beverly Jones dedicates her book to black women going through different kinds of hardships. The book helps dispel some of the deceptions about the life of African American women and their children. Like some authors of the best Christian books on forgiveness, Jones wrote the text to serve as an outpouring of peace, love, and truth. 

Here Are A Few More Of The

Best Christian Books On God's Grace

8. What’s So Amazing About Grace?
by Philip Yancey
Philip Yancey talks about grace being the most powerful universal force and the only hope for forgiveness and love in his book. Like some of the best Christian books on finding hope, he also points out that grace is the one thing that the world craves. The book looks at how God's grace can survive and triumph over modern life atrocities and brutalities.

Finding Grace In The Face of Dementia
by John Dunlop MD
Dr. John Dunlop seeks to change the way people view dementia in his book. He shows how to honor God when faced with this type of tragedy. Dr. Dunlop also shares stories from his extensive experience meeting with dementia patients.

Grace: More than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine By Max Lucado
Max Lucado gives deeper explanations on how grace can change human life in his book. Like some of the best Christian books on faith in God, Max talks about the ways Grace can rewire you after encountering a tragedy. The book seeks to emancipate people about grace and why they should believe in it for fulfillment.

11. Telling A Better Story: How to Talk About God in a Skeptical Age
by Josh Chatraw
This book offers a fresh perspective on practical apologetics for people who are new to sharing their faith and experienced apologists. It presents Jesus and Christianity in a holistic but contextual manner. The text also talks about God and faith and how these topics come into play in a world filled with unbelievers.

12. My Journey to Grace: What I Learned About Jesus In The Dark
by Cindy Hyles Schaap

Cindy Hyles Schaap takes readers through her journey of finding grace while struggling with a public scandal. Like some of the best Christian books on trusting God, this book teaches how to cope with private or public shame. Schaap sheds light on how to forgive yourself or the people involved in your suffering.

God’s Help for the Troubled Heart
by Ed Taylor

God’s Help for the Troubled Heart talks about the defining moment in one's recovery from a place of suffering. Ed Taylor gives truthful reminders of how God can help a troubled heart. The book, one of the most beautiful and best Christian books on God's grace, targets people who are experiencing or trying to recover from pain, trials, or deep grief.

God Notes: Daily Doses of Divine Encouragement
by Jackie Trottmann

Jackie Trottmann seeks to encourage people faced with feelings of unworthiness, condemnation, and guilt through this book. The daily doses of divine encouragement come as a form of prescription to guide you towards a life of confidence, peace, and joy.

Witness to Grace: A Testimony of Favor
by Franklyn Richardson

As a book based on a true-life story, Witness to Grace takes the reader through Franklyn Richardson's remarkable journey. One of the best Christian books on God's love, Franklyn shows us instances in his life in which he experienced God's grace. The book reflects on humility, the need for understanding, oppression, and the disappointment of loss.

16. Let God be God: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Job
by Ray C. Stedman

Ray Stedman refers to the book of Job in the bible to help you find fresh encouragement and truths amid trials. The book helps guide you towards peace and healing like many of the best Christian books on faith in God or other books about surrendering to the will of God. Ray uses biblical insight and humor to dissect the book of Job.

Native: Identity, Belonging and Rediscovering God
by Kaitlin B. Curtice

Native talks about the endless journey of soul-searching, finding one's identity, and finding God. Kaitlin Curtice gives a fresh perspective on this matter and narrates how she reconnected with her Potawatomi identity. She uses her journey and the stories, imagery, and poetry of the Potawatomi people to address these themes.

Freely and Lightly: God’s Gracious Invitation to a Life of Quiet Confidence
by Emily Lex

Emily Lex talks about God's grace and personal fulfillment in her book, one of the best Christian books on God's grace. She believes that God's grace can help you achieve quiet confidence and real rest and free you from expectations. The book seeks to help you learn God’s unforced rhythms of grace to live lightly and freely.

Live in Grace, Walk in Love: A 365-Day Journey
by Bob Goff

The book gives inspirational messages and humble teachings on God’s grace. The book leverages Bob's signature storytelling style to help you see things from a fresh perspective. It also covers an entire year of prayerful meditations to help enrich your life with love and confidence. In that way, the result can be compared to those you might experience after reading some of the best Christian books on forgiveness.

A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare: Strategies for Deliverance and Healing
by Kathleen Beckman

Kathleen Beckman’s book discusses ways to withstand spiritual attacks and cultivate a civilization of love in your family. The text leverages Kathleen’s 12 years of experience serving as a member of an exorcist team. It also talks about how you can identify diabolical disguises.

Here's Why Doing Time With God Belongs With The Best...

Best Christian Books On God's Grace

If you've searched for great inspirational books for Christians, you have come to the right place. Doing Time With God is like a shining light that pierces the darkness of prisons and reveals what happens when crime victim survivors and inmates trust God like they never have before.

Today's book market is flooded with titles and many people have different views about which ones are the best Christian books on forgiveness. Doing Time With God is a good fit for the category because it gives readers a rare look into maximum security prisons and shows how hardened crime victims and criminals are finding hope and healing with the help of one another.

Not only does this book show how God is changing lives in the last place many people would expect, it helps readers see themselves in the stories and grow in Christ.

Doing Time With God Is One Of The Great Books For Christians About God's Love Because It Shows How God Heals And Reconciles Lives In The Last Place Many People Would Expect To See It Happen

If You Are Searching For The Best Christian Books On Forgiveness And Grace, Doing Time With God Reveals The Power Of God's Unconditional Love For Healing And Transformation 

Doing Time With God Is One Of The Great Christian Books On God's Grace Because It Opens The Heart, Touches The Soul, And Renews The Mind 

While reading this book, you may experience these things happening in yourself. Discussion questions and an afterword by the author invite you to reflect on your own journey, discover new meaning, and expand this movement of Peace in your life.  

"This book belongs in the WOW category."
Wanda B.
"…this challenges us to remember God's awesome power in finding the lost, healing the sick, and turning people's lives around. Read this compelling book and be inspired by what is being done to transform lives and restore people to productive places in society."
Lynn Huntley

Former Attorney, US Department of Justice

"In this book I saw myself and my avoidance - to move casually away from simple honesty in favor of comfort. Owning our mistakes, our shortcomings, and looking at the parts of ourselves that do not fit with our images - may just set us free."
B. Schneider  
"This is an intense, beautiful, and heartfelt book. It is humbling to read about these men who are brave enough to surrender their beliefs and face their demons. By doing so they are lighting a path for each other as well as any of us who are willing to follow."
Becky L.
"I used to say 'Throw away the keys.' Not anymore after reading this book."
Veronica S.

"As I read this book I felt the Holy Spirit in it and in me. I cried, I laughed, and I let God change me. The book is honest, upfront, REAL, and filled with God’s love."
Katie W.

Family Member of Murder Victim